Cause Marketing: The Intersection of Business & Philanthropy

As millennials increase their influence and purchasing power, businesses large and small are looking for effective ways to attract their interest, their dollars, and their advocacy. One of the best ways to cultivate loyalty among younger consumers is with cause marketing.

Cause marketing refers to a business’s support of an initiative, a nonprofit organization, or a cause so that people associate the business’s brand with the cause.

Traditionally, cause marketing relied on corporate giving, but for many companies today, purpose lies at the heart of their business model, and the cause is baked in.

In the past, some brands made the mistake of randomly picking a cause just for the exposure it brought them.

But authenticity is a key differentiator in cause marketing, and there is a fundamental difference between supporting a cause and standing for a purpose.

Millennials want authentic messages, authentic products, and authentic experiences, and they are not taken in by those brands that use social responsibility as a ploy.

It’s a winning strategy, but only if there is real alignment with and a genuine commitment to the identified cause.

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