Are You Making It Happen or Wondering What’s Going On?

With respect to upcoming trends, it’s been said that there are those who make it happen, those who let it happen, and those who wonder what happened. Today’s marketing landscape is changing with the speed of technology. Now more than ever, marketers need to embrace new methods of brand engagement, new business models, new technologies, and new opportunities to reach out to consumers.

Are you on-trend and “making it happen”?

Transparency has become a marketing tool. Consumers are rewarding brands that are upfront about what they do for customers, communities, and the environment.

Marketing is becoming more regionalized, localized, and individualized as consumers resist homogenization. Instead, they seek customized and personalized products, services, and experiences. And traditional media advertising becomes less effective. Digital and mobile are fueling a sense of empowerment and possibility among consumers. Real-time expectations have spread to product availability, delivery, and service. Mobile-friendly content is essential.

Content marketing increasingly is seen as a way for companies to establish authority, build rapport, and gain trust with consumers. Top content marketing strategies include social media, eNewsletters, case studies, videos, and websites.

Retail is transitioning from a human-only service to digital assistants and virtual valets.

Multiculturalism is having a significant impact. Brands and retailers are integrating culture-specific brand experiences into all consumer touchpoints.

Today’s successful brands recognize the need to differentiate themselves and stand for something meaningful and important to consumers. Many are endeavoring to communicate emotional values as a foundation for positioning and differentiation in order to engage today’s savvy, high-expectation consumers. And if this finds you wondering what’s going on, it may be time to join the parade.

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